Tuesday, December 7, 2010

EMF - An MDSD Approach

Please find the slides for my Eclipse Democamp 2010 Presentation in Bangalore - A quick introduction into MDSD and EMF.

By the way you can find an interesting blog about MDSD at http://modeldrivensoftware.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-evolution-of-code

Eclipse Consultant and Trainer,

Eclipse Demo Camp 2010 @ Bangalore

Its fun to spend an afternoon with eclipsers. Two weeks back, we had a fantastic Eclipse Democamp in Bangalore. I think this is the biggest eclipse demo camp ever conducted in Bangalore with around 100 attendees turning out for the event.

The demo camp was conducted at SAP Labs campus. We all got a warm welcome from the organizers. I feel the organizers have done a great job with an amazing democamp. The people behind the curtains are Ankur Sharma (Eclipse PDE Co-Lead, IBM), Ashwani Kr Sharma (Committer - EMF Query, SAP) and Saurav Sarker (Committer - EMF Query, SAP) and a handful more people from SAP Labs.

We all got a wonderful set of goodies which includes a cool hat.

Democamp Hat :)

After each demo goodies were distributed to the audience for asking the best question. T-shirts from Eclipse Foundation were distributed to the presenters.

The event started with a keynote from Mr. Harish Porval, VP, TIP Core UI and Modeling Tools, SAP Labs. SAP Labs have got big plans with Eclipse as their development platform.

Harish Porval - Keynote

I gave the first demo on behalf of http://eclipseBible.com.


I demonstrated how EMF can reduce the development time and cost of production of software applications using MDSD concepts.

Madhu Samuel - "EMF - An MDSD Approach"

Saurav Sarkar from EMF Model Query 2 Team at SAP Labs presented EMF Model Query 2. Query 2 helps to search and retrieve data from your emf models. They use an in-built indexing mechanism to make the queries faster. You can find more about Query 2 here.

Saurav Sarkar - EMF Model Query2

Ashok Pon Kumar from IBM presented the Android Toolkit based on Eclipse.

Ashok Pon Kumar - Android Toolkit

Ayushman Jain from IBM presented Xtext with an example of how to create a custom language for Android. There were a few interesting queries from the audience. Its simply amazing to see that from a grammar file how Xtext generates all the other components you need for your custom language (DSL) like parser, editor, navigator, validator, automatic code completion etc..

Ayushman Jain - Xtext

Deepak Azad (JDT UI Committer) from IBM presented EGit. EGit integrates Git with Eclipse. Git is a distributed SCM tool. Deepak first explained about cvs and svn and how life is better with EGit. Unfortunately I missed the photograph of Deepak's talk.

Lakshmi P (SWT Committer) from IBM presented the XWT Designer. XWT Designer is a next generation visual editor for SWT and JFace with XML in the background.

Lakshmi P - XWT Designer

Nayna Jain from IBM presented the embedded http server in Eclipse to create web applications.

Nayna Jain - Embedded Http Server in Eclipse

Overall a fantastic afternoon, well organized. I would like to thank Vel Ganesh from Bosch for helping me with the snaps for this blog. And did I mention about the delicious snacks!!!

Eclipse Trainer and Consultant

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The story of a Chair as a Platform!

Eclipse is a Rich Client Platform. A cozy chair is also a platform that can support 'rich' clients.

My friend Hima was kind enough to cast my chair as a hero in her story - The Chair. Take a break from your work and read a nice work of fiction.

By the way, she is in the middle of a blogathon, a blog a day for the entire month of July. Pretty tough huh!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Eclipse Helios - A few interesting features!

An year old wait is over. Helios is out in the wild. Today morning, I downloaded Helios. Oops, my friend of eclipse download link got stuck. I went to the download link for the common public - eclipse.org/downloads. There goes the Helios Modeling Package.

Its a little annoying to see that GMF is not included part of the default bundles of modeling package. But, there is a quick way to install GMF in no time. I just hit the 'Install Modeling Components' toolbar button.

Some of the interesting features that captured my mind are,

1. Open an eclipse file from Command line

Based on SWT and the native launcher, the Eclipse Platform now supports opening a file from the command line.  If an instance of Eclipse is already running, that instance will open the file. Otherwise, a new instance will be started. 

2. A brand new OSGi console. You can watch whats under the hood of your eclipse ide. 

To open OSGi console, go to your Console View and select 'Host OSGi Console' from the view menu.

3. Eclipse Market Place Client

Thanks to the work by TaskTop, the creators of Mylyn, you can browse through all the interesting eclipse based apps quick and fast. Go to Help > Eclipse Market Place.

4. Headless Launch Support

A new headless plug-in "org.eclipse.pde.launching" is provided to launch applications without a user interface.

Thats all for now. Let me dig deep in to the Helios framework. View the other reviews on Eclipse Helios here.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Patterns in Eclipse

Last Friday at Eclipse Day India 2010, I talked about,
Because brain is a pattern recognition system.

We saw the problem we face during software development. 
We learned that "writing good code is not just a good will of the programmer, but a social responsibility of the programmer".

We started with the pattern story. We saw how Visitor pattern is used in Eclipse Platform.

We saw how Observer Pattern is used to track Workspace Changes.

And we talked about six other patterns and how its used in Eclipse Platform. If you are interested to look further, you can check the slides of Patterns In Eclipse.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Beautiful Day - Eclipse Day India 2010

"Ubuntu is the essence of being human. Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can't exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. You can't be human all by yourself, and when you have this quality - Ubuntu - you are known for your generosity." 

The organizers were generous, the sponsors were generous, the speakers were generous and the eclipse community was generous. And what a day it lead to! A day to share the knowledge acquired with years of experience working at Eclipse. We had excellent talks as you can see in the schedule

Holding the true spirit of FOSS we had free talks and free food - who said its not free beer ;). The organizers had put lot of effort for free - to arrange the venue, print the handouts, host the website. 

EclipseBible.com had sponsored the handouts for the event.  We offer eclipse training and consulting services. You can find the details at http://training.eclipsebible.com

The organizers were trying the best to cut the costs for the sponsors. Ankur even asked me to print the handouts (schedule + speaker bio)  in black and white to keep the cost less which I had to happily reject. The elegance of the eclipse should reflect even in the handouts distributed to the registrants. 

People from around 35 companies turned out including Bosch, IBM, Adobe, Google, Wipro, Accenture, and lot of startups.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eclipse Day India 2010 - 1 more day to go...

"Not only individuals and interactions, but also a Community of Professionals" 

I believe the most important point in the manifesto of software craftsmanship is the third one - "Not only individuals and interactions, but also a community of professionals". Only a community can bring awareness and spread the news of software craftsmanship among software professionals. The backing of a group will help an engineer to foster his/her imaginations into reality. A community is formed by constant gatherings and knowledge sharing sessions. Software Communities help to spread the news about good coding practices, ethical standards of engineers, responsibilities of software professionals to the society etc etc.

This is exactly what we do in Eclipse Community gatherings. I am more than excited to attend 'The Eclipse Day India 2010'. Hope to see you there.

If you are not able to make it there, don't worry, tune to this blog, I will brief about the happenings of the event soon.
